Soil & Water Testing
Expert interpretations and recommendations based on laboratory analysis of soil chemical and physical properties as well as irrigation water quality. ​
Why We Test
"You can't manage what you don't measure."
I heard this quote a few years ago, and it really struck a chord with me. If we don't know where we are in terms of fertility or water quality, how can we possibly develop a plan on where we need to go?
Our philosophy is to help our clients develop science-based and reliable sampling procedures so that we can develop management plans to maximize the efficiency every time we spread or spray fertilizer or every time we irrigate.
What better way to test soil and water than to use one of the best and most technologically advanced soil laboratories in the world. We are proud to partner with Brookside Labs for all of our testing needs.

How We Test

Chemical Soil Testing
Chemical soil testing is the process in which soil properties essential to plant life are measured via very specific laboratory methods. Not only are the essential nutrients required by plants measured, but we also measure other soil factors such as pH, cation exchange capacity, and organic matter.
Chemical soil testing is essential in determining not only what nutrients we need to apply, but what nutrients we don't need to apply. Maximizing the efficiency of our fertility applications is key to both financial and environmental sustainability.
​Physical Property Testing
​Physical soil testing is the process by which we classify soils based on their particle size. Soils are classified based on their percentage of sand, silt, and clay. We can also determine porosity, water infiltration and drainage characteristics through physical testing.
Understanding the physical properties of soils is crucial to understanding how they may behave in field conditions. How much rainfall can they take and still maintain playability? Are they prone to being heavily compacted? These are critical questions to answer when managing natural turf systems.
​Irrigation Water Testing
Irrigation water testing is very similar to chemical soil testing, just for water. It tells us what is in your water, both good and bad. In terms of physical inputs, water is applied in greater quantities than a fertilizer, fungicide, or soil amendment. This makes it imperative to know what the water is leaving or taking from your soil.
Poor water quality can put even the best turfgrass managers in very difficult situations. Knowing what is in your water is the first step to dealing with it. We look at water nutrient content, bicarbonates, total alkalinity, sodium, salinity, and more to determine how to best manage turf given a particular water.
After We Test

These tests aren't valuable unless we can turn them into actionable tasks. My expertise as a professional agronomist is to come up with those actionable tasks. I take the numbers from these tests and make recommendations on how to proceed and get the most out of your turf.
Our job isn't done there though. I don't simply look at individual soil tests and make recommendations in a vacuum. I track soil and water data from your site and a variety of others to learn how turfgrass systems respond to various environments. This data helps me make better recommendations over time because we analyze predictability of your turf's response.