Mapping & Data Analysis
We use data to track long term trends for your site to help make management decisions easier and more predictable.
Why Use Data?
Both you and your facility are one of a kind. We believe in using data as a tool to better understand site-specific characteristics over time. We don't believe that data analysis and predictability models will ever replace a qualified turfgrass or field manager. We don't aim to "automate" your management practices.
We strive to be a valuable too in the tool belt of knowledgable golf course superintendents and athletic field managers. By managing and tracking data overtime, our analyst can help examine YOUR data to predict how YOUR facility might respond to certain environmental factors or inputs.
This is an invaluable tool that allows us to refine inputs, and allocate labor to produce the finest surfaces possible.

Just some of the tools we use for data collection.
Site & Data Mapping
We use the latest technology to map multiple data points and multiple variables to help improve visibility to potential problem areas and to overall get a better understanding of your facility. Using mapping is a great way to implement precision turfgrass management. There are numerous insights that can be derived from mapping our facilities. This is just one way that FGS Consulting can help you improve management practices and decision making.